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MSK Embolization Focused Topic Meeting 2023

MSK Session 5: Multidisciplinary panel: research and future evaluation (MSK2023-5)

- Understanding the action of resorbable in pre clinical models | Julien Namur
- A preclinical model in pig: validation and application | Julien Frandon
- What type of research do we need to take GAE in OA to the next level | Francois Rannou
- Sport injuries and tendinopathy: what evidence do we need | Alban Fouasson-Chailloux
- The French Network and research group (GREOS) initial experience and results | Julien Ghelfi
- Panel discussion

CME Credits: None

  • Understanding the action of resorbable in pre clinical models
  • A preclinical model in pig: validation and application
  • What type of research do we need to take GAE in OA to the next level
  • Sport injuries and tendinopathy: what evidence do we need
  • The French Network and research group (GREOS) initial experience and results
  • Panel Discussion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed